Monday 7 April 2014

You are my sunshine

I remember sitting with Tor whilst he lay on his back next to the Glastonbury Tor on the morning of his blessing. I remember singing "You are my sunshine" to him quietly whilst he looked up to cloudless sky.

I remembered this today. On the rainiest, cloudiest and a very stressful day. He really is my sunshine. He really does make him happy when skies are grey.

He whines, he wants, he falls over his own feet.

He forgets to flush the toilet, he invades your private space, he makes the best dinosaur noises.

When all I want to do is crawl into bed, when I want to cry because life is so tough, he smiles, he jokes, he calls me 'banana head'.

So this short post is to for all of your beautiful children that light up your life. To all of your children that make things worth fighting for.

Our little sunshines.

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