Monday, 17 February 2014

Fresh Vegan - Now what is that all about?

For all my avid followers (I think you are out there) you may have noticed I have added a link to the new Fresh Vegan Food Magazine on the side of my blog.
Why? I ask you crying out aloud. (Or is it those pesky voices in my head again?)
No, I am not Vegan. So why is it there?
I have a personal interest in this magazine. I follow the blog avidly and I am really looking forward to the release of the second publication on the 3rd March 2014.

Myself and Tor are not Vegan. We do try to follow a healthy lifestyle and very aware of animal welfare. We at home do not have cows milk just because I have found it not to work well with my body.
I am a firm believer in doing what feels right for yourself.

One of our favourite meals is 'Super Spag Bol'. I actually found this recipe on the vegetarian society web page and it is very simple to make. When I ask Tor what we should make for dinner this often is his number one choice. Its not spaghetti bolognese as you know it as we use either vegetarian or vegan mince. It has aubergines in, green pesto and yeast extract. It is very yummy.

Tor's current class topic is about dinosaurs. He tells me so many different facts about the Jurassic Period. He now knows the difference between carnivores and herbivores. But I have realised at how much he is aware of peoples different eating habits in the fact that he often tells me that a certain dinosaur is a 'vegetarian' instead of a 'herbivore'.

His class have been also learning about healthy eating. All about food groups. I cannot say that I agree with everything that he is being taught about a healthy diet but schools do have to cater for all people and all walks of life. I find it is very important that we follow what he has learnt at school and to discuss how things may be different at home and why. In one way it teaches him not to be judgemental and also teaches him to question or to research something for himself.

This is where Fresh Vegan comes in. I have found the magazine not to be judgemental. Yes, it is a magazine that promotes a 'Vegan Lifestyle' but it makes it accessible to everyone. The recipes are great for everyone to follow even if you are a meat eater. It shows you a world out there that you would not necessarily be aware about with cafe and shop reviews.

People reading my blog may have noticed that I have not done reviews about products, but this magazine is something that I enjoy and I will continue to follow so why not shout about it?

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